Printer's Apprentice 8.1 Documentation

The controls and options on the Print dialog are described below.

Page Style tab
Click the Font Catalog radio button to print multiple fonts on one or more pages. You can then set the Title printed at the top of the page as well as the catalog style.

Click the Sample Sheets radio button to print one font per page. You can then select one or more sample sheet styles from the list.

Fonts to Print tab
This page simply lists the fonts that you have selected to print in the main Printer's Apprentice window.

Sort By tab
Use the options on this tab to sort the fonts in your list. If you sort by "Folder Name" and enable the "Print folder name title" then Printer's Apprentice will group the fonts by folder path and insert a title line for each path.

Options tab
Print page grid - This option is used by the developer to help design new page layouts.

Print page grid - This option is used by the developer to help design new page layouts.

Current Printer - This shows you the name of the current printer. Click the "Printer Setup" button to change the printer.

More Options - Click this to see change other page layout options.

Printer Setup button - Click this button to select a different printer.